Ordering Process

Our ordering process policy is as follows.

1. Once you have placed your order, no payments are accepted or taken what so ever.

2. We will check for availability of goods.

3. You will be notified with a confirmation.

4. The order does not become official until we have confirmed the order and have taken full payment on the order.

5. Payment methods are either (1) Direct Debit or (2) Credit Card payment + 3% credit card surcharge.

6. We have a no refund or exchange policy on any goods, therefor please choose carefully.

Australian Bridal Service Accredited Business


Warehouse 4
38-42 Canterbury Road,
Bankstown NSW 2200 Australia

(02) 9790 1517 0432 971 517 (02) 9793 7759



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Australian Bridal Service Accredited Business
   2025 © Bomboniere Factory Pty. Ltd.
Website by Delta Web